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Department of Panchayat Raj and Rural Development
Government of Andhra Pradesh


Medicinal plants available in the Campus ETC Srikalahasti


       Campus of ETC, Srikalahasti is alive and teeming with many kinds of flora and fauna. It is fascinating that so many different species are thriving here.ETC management is giving importance to preserve this biodiversity in this 37 acres area. Trees are integral to campuses of Training Institutes. Many old tress of 100 years and above are witnesses to campus history and are meshed in campus folklore and in the lives of participants, staff, and faculty.

From the point of view of a Training environment, it is beneficial for Trainees, Trainers and residents of the campus to live in harmony with nature.The participants have also taken to preserving the biodiversity on campus. Photo walks are undertaken, and photographs are being recorded. ETC is planning to prepare an e-Bio-diversity Register of the campus with the help of a reputed University / Organization . Alumni recognize that their emotional connection to their alma mater often is manifest in an appreciation for trees that may be very old.

The following are some plants and Trees with medicinal benefits available in ETC campus

Neem Tree(వేప చెట్టు)
Neem Tree
Scientific Name-Azadirachta indica
Parts used-Leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, roots ,gum and bark.
Benefits &Medical uses-
1. Leprosy
2. Eye disorders
3. Bloody nose
4. Intestinal worms
5. Stomach upset, loss of appetite
6. Skin ulcers
7. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels
8. Fever, diabetes
9. Gum Diseases

ETC has 100 years old Neem Tree in its campus behind Darbar hall in its campusETC
Peepal /Bodhi/Holy Fig Tree(రావి)
Peepal Tree
Scientific Name-Ficus religiosa
Parts used-Leavesflowers, seeds, fruits, roots and bark
• The bark of the Peepal plant and its ripe fruits are helpful for treating asthma.
• For poor appetite.
• For stomach pain.
• For eczema and itching.
• For a brighter complexion.
• For cracked heels.
• For toothache.
• For eye pain
Indian gooseberry (ఉసిరిచెట్టు)
Scientific name-embolic officinalis
Parts used-Leaves, seeds, fruits, root, bark, and flowers
Benefits &Medical uses-
1. Improve immunity
2. Antibacterial &astringent properties
3. Hair care &skin care&anti aging
4. Reduces stress & improve mental function
5. Eye care
6. Respiratory health
7. Treats anemia
8. Blood purifier
9. Diuretic
10. Improve digestion & absorb calcium
Holy basil –(తులసి)
Scientific name-ocimumtenuiflorum
Parts used-Leaves, stems, and seeds
Benefits &Medical uses-
1. promotes healthy heart
2. Anti aging&fights acne
3. Treats kidney stones
4. Relives fever &headache
5. Eye&oral health
6. Cures respiratory disorders
7. Rich sources of vitamin k
8. Anxiety and stress relief
9. Diabetes and high cholesterol
10. Skin diseases and insect bites
11. Colds, cough, congestion, flu, sinusitis, sore throat
Alovera –(కలబంద)
Sceintific name- Aloe barbadensis miller
Parts used-inner part of the aloe plant leaf
Benefits &Medical uses-
1. Teeth &gums
2. Constipation
3. Diabetes-induced foot ulcers
4. Antioxidant & Antibacterial properties
5. Protection from ultraviolet rays
6. Protection from Skin damage after radiation therapy
7. Depression
8. Wounds from second degree burns
9. Irritable bowl syndrome
10. Acne
11. Hair health
Tamarind Tree(చింతచెట్టు)
Scientific name- Tamarindus indica
Parts used- pulp, seeds, leafand bark
Benefits &Medical uses-
1. Diarrhea
2. Constipation
3. Fever
4. Peptic ulcers
5. Wound healing
6. Antioxidant and anti Inflammatory properties
7. Heart disease
8. Cancer
9. Diabetes& liver disease
10. Lower blood sugar
11. Lose body weight
12. Snake bite
13. Skin health
Betel (తమలపాకు )
Scientific name- Piper betle
Parts used- leaf
Benefits &Medical uses-
1. Anti diabetic agent
2. Lowers high cholesterol
3. Anti cancer agent
4. Wound healing and microbial agent
5. Depression
6. Oral health
7. Gastro protective agent
8. Nose bleed, ear pain,
9. Antiseptic, urinary problems
10. Good for skin
11. Boosts metabolism
12. Bronchitis
13. Promotes hunger
Indian kudzu (నేలగుమ్మడి)
Scientific name- puereria tuberosa
Parts used- Roots, Seeds
1. Anti aging& healthy hair
2. Boosts immunity
3. Diarrhea
4. Cough
5. Rheumatism
6. Erysipelas & malaria fever
7. Cardio tinic
8. Promotes breast milk
9. Fever & headache
10. Menstrual disorders
11. Menopause syndrome
12. Urinary problems
13. Swelling of joints
Giloy (తిప్పతీగ )
Scientific name- tinospora cordifolia
Parts used- stem,root
Benefits &Medical uses-
1. Boosts immunity
2. Treats chronic fever
3. Improves digestion
4. Treats diabetes
5. Reduces stress& anxiety
6. Fights respiratory problems
7. Treats arthritis
8. Asthma
9. Improves vision
10. Anti aging& stress buster
11. Blood circulation
12. Eczema & psoriasis
Coat Buttons/Tridax Daisy(గడ్డిచేమంతి)
Scientific name- Tridax procumbens
Parts used- leaves Benefits and medical uses-
1. Antifungal & insect repellent
2. Antiseptic
3. Hemostatic and parasiticide
4. Helps in wound healing
5. Skin diseases
Scientific name- lawsoniainermis
Parts used- leaves, bark, flowers
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Treat open wounds
2. Sooth burns
3. Eczema
4. Antiseptic for fungal & bacterial
5. Skin infections
6. Ring worm
7. Hair health
8. Arthritis
9. Hemorrhoids or piles
10. Sore throat
11. Leucoderma
12. Leprosy in early stage
13. Athletes foot
Teak tree (టేకుచెట్టు)
Scientific name- Tectona grandis
Parts used- leaves, flowers
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Treatment of piles
2. Leukoderma
3. Dysentery
4. Bronchitis & tuberculosis
5. Urinary problems
6. Anemia & Asthenia
7. Fever & headache
8. Amoebiasis & Tuberculosis
9. Treats bleeding of Larynx
10. Trachea
11. Sore throat & burning sensation
12. Pain relief
13. liver related problems
Custard apple (సీతాఫలంచెట్టు)
Scientific name- Annona squamosa
Parts used- leaves, bark, fruit
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Good for heart
2. Skin health
3. Bone strength
4. Maintains blood pressure
5. Curing of boils
6. Ulcers
7. Tooth & Gum related problems
8. Cancer
9. Enhances the immune systems
10. Muscle weakness
11. Removing acids from joints
12. Constipation
12. Constipation
13. Digestion
Mango Tree (మామిడిచెట్టు)
Scientific name-Mangifora indica
Parts used- leaves, bark, fruits, nuts
Benefits and medical uses- 1. Regulates diabetes
2. Lowers blood pressure
3. Fights restlessness
4. Treats gall kidney stones
5. Cures respiratory problems
6. Treats dysentery
7. Remedy for ear aches
8. Heal burns
9. Treat hiccups and throat problems
10. Stomach tonic
Ajwan (వాముఆకు)
Scientific name- Plectranthusamboinicus
Parts used- leaves
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Cough
2. Sore throat & nasal congestion
3. Infections & fever
4. Rheumatism
5. Chronic asthma
6. Hiccups
7. Bronchitis
8. Epilepsy
9. Skin ulcerations
10. Insect bite
11. Skin allergy
12. Wounds
13. diarrhoea
Devils trumpet (ఉమ్మెత్త)
Scientific name- Datura stramonium
Parts used- leaves, seeds
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Headache
2. Arthritis, Rheumatism, Gout
3. Asthma & Bronchitis
4. Leaves used as acaricidal
5. Repellent against larva & Mosquito
6. Heart problems
7. Ear ache
8. Antispasmodic, hypnotic & Narcotic
9. Treating of Fistulas
10. Mind alerting drug
11. Seed oil used to treat baldness
Calotropis (జిల్లేడు)
Scientific name- calotropis gigantea
Parts used- leaves, flowers, bark, fruit, root
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Treating skin
2. Digestive
3. Respiratory
4. Circulatory
5. Neurological disorders
6. Fevers
7. Elephantiasis
8. Nausea
9. Vomiting & Diarrhea
10. Arthritis
11. Cancer
12. Antidote for snake bite
Hibiscus (మందార)
Scientific name- bauhinia variegata
Parts used- leaves, flowers
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Heart & Nerve diseases
2. Urinary problems
3. Constipation
4. Cancer
5. Liver diseases
6. Cold
7. Skin and hair health
8. Heal wounds
9. Antibacterial & vermifuge
10. Kidney problems
11. Hair health
12. Treatment of painful menstruation
13. Hemorrhoid
Ivy gourd (దొండతీగ)
Scientific name- Coccinia Grandis
Parts used- leaves, fruit, root
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Diabetes
2. Gonorrhea
3. Constipation
4. Skin diseases
5. Wounds
6. Prevents kidney stones
7. Fatigue
8. Protects nervous system
9. Leprosy
10. Fever
11. Asthma
12. Bronchitis
13. Jaundice
14. Osteo arthritis & Joint pains
Jamun (నేరేడు)
Scientific name- Syzygiumcumini
Parts used- leaves, fruit, bark
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Antibacterial
2. Antifungal
3. Anti viral
4. Anti-inflammatory
5. Anti-ulcerogenic
6. Cardio protective

7. Anti-allergic
8. Anti cancer
9. Anti oxidant
10. Hepatol protective
11. Anti diarrheal
12. Hypoglycemic
13. Diabetes
14. Sores
15. Dysentry
Punarnava (అటికమామిడి)
Scientific name- Boerhaviadiffusa
Parts used- leaves, root
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Intestinal
2. Kidney disorders
3. Cough
4. Hemorrhoids
5. Skin diseases
6. Alcoholism
7. Insomnia
8. Eye diseases
9. Asthma
10. Jaundice
11. Fever
12. Obesity
13. Inflammatory
14. Diuretic agent
15. Heart tonic
Prickly chaff (ఉత్తరేణి)
Scientific name- Achyranthes aspera
Parts used- leaves, root
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Cold & Cough
2. Asthma
3. Boils
4. Bronchitis
5. Headache
6. Colic
7. Bleeding
8. Dysentery
9. Ear complications
10. Leukoderma
11. Pneumonia
12. Renal complications
13. Scorpion and snakebite
14. Skin diseases
Cats claw (గరుడముక్కు)
Scientific name-Martynia annua
Parts used- Root
Benefits and medical uses-
1. High blood pressure
2. Nervousness
3. Insomnia
4. Psychosis & insanity
5. Snake & Reptile bites
6. Fever
7. Constipation
8. Intestinal diseases
9. Liver ailments
10. Joint pains
11. Fluid retention
12. Epilepsy
13. Schizophrenia
14. Hyper tension
Rosary pea (గురివింద)
Scientific name- Abaruspreatorius
Parts used- seeds
Benefits and medical uses-
1. complaints
2. Epithelioma
3. Eye
4. Ulcers
5. Inflammation
6. Granular ophthalmia
7. Keratitis
8. Angina pectoris
9. Cellulitis
10. Gastritis
11. Hyper tension
12. Nephritis
13. Brain tumor
14. Epilepsy
15. Tetanus
16. Purpura
17. Typhoid
18. Dysentery & Cholera
19. Snakebite
Indian sarsaparilla (సుగందిపాల)
Scientific name- Hemidesmus indicus
Parts used- Root
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Relieve body pains
2. Keeping the body cool
3. Constipation
4. Acidity
5. Purifying blood
6. Liver and spleen inflammation
7. Urinary disorders
8. Wheezing
9. Anemia
10. Rheumatoid arthritis
Rosy periwinkle (బిళ్ళగన్నేరు)
Scientific name- Catharanthus raseus
Parts used- whole plant, leaves, root
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Blood cancer
2. Cancer
3. Lung cancer
4. Alzheimer
5. Diabetes
6. Abscess
7. Acne
8. Allergy
9. Viral infection
10. Insect bites
11. Skin diseases
12. Kidney problems
13. piles
Cocklebur (మరులమతంగి)
Scientific name- Xanthium indicum koen
Parts used- leaves, seeds, bark
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Diarrhea
2. Dysentery
3. Rheumatism
4. Insect bites
5. Healing of spider bites
6. Burns and abscesses
Scientific name- Moringa oleifera
Parts used- leaves, flower, seeds
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Antifungal
2. Antiviral
3. Anti depressed
4. Anti inflammatory
5. Reduce weight gain
6. Control cholesterol &blood pressure
7. Reduce fatigue
8. Control blood sugar levels
9. Heart disease
10. Cancer
Vajradanthi (ముళ్ళుగోరింట)
Scientific name- Barleria prionitis
Parts used- leaves, root, bark
Benefits & Medical uses-
1. Gum & teeth problems
2. Itching, Eczema
3. Chronic skin diseases
4. Hair greying
5. Gout
6. Anti inflammatory
7. Anti rheumatic
8. Appetizer
9. Astringent
10. Diuretic
11. Cough, fever, migraine
12. Neurological disorders
13. Kidney stones
Amaranthus retroflexus (ముళ్ళతోటకూర)
Scientific name- Amaranthus retroflexus
Parts used- entire plant
Benefits & Medical uses-
1. Ulcers
2. Diarrhea
3. Swelling of mouth & throat
4. High cholesterol
5. Antibacterial
6. Antitumor
7. Menstruation problems
8. Intestinal bleeding
9. To treat hoarseness
Sandal wood (శ్రీగంధం)
Scientific name-Santalum album
Parts used- entire plant
Benefits & Medical uses-
1. Antiseptic
2. Antipruritic
3. Fever
4. Indigestion
5. Skin diseases
6. Diuretic
7. Bronchitis
8. Gonorrhea
9. Ulcers
10. Urinary track problems
11. Thristcystis
12. Biliousness
13. Dysentery
Quail grass (కోడిజుట్టుఆకు)
Scientific name-Celosia argenta
Parts used- entire plant
Benefits & Medical uses-
1. Menstrual irregularity
2. Diarrhea
3. Urinary problems
4. Stomach complaints
5. Fever
6. Antimetastatic
7. Eye problems
8. Acute conjunctivitis
9. Mouth sores
10. Hemorrhoid bleeding
11. Leucorrhea
12. Cuts & wounds, boils
13. Pigmentation
14. Digestion
15. Veterinary medicine
Ant bush (కాసింతాకు)
Scientific name-Cassia occidentalis
Parts used- entire plant
Benefits & Medical uses-
1. Hypertension
2. Diabetes
3. Biliousness
4. Fever
5. Eczema
6. Coughs & Colds
7. Skin diseases
8. Stomachache
9. Menstruation problem
10. Hahemorrhage
Curry leaf (కరివేపాకు)
Scientific name-Murrayakoenigii
Parts used- entire plant
Benefits & Medical uses-
1. Anemia
2. Diabetes
3. Improve digestion
4. Lowers cholesterol
5. Prevents greying hair
6. Antioxidant
7. Heal wounds & Burns
8. Lose weight
9. Morning sickness & Nausea
10. Eyesight
11. Memory
12. Hair growth
13. Antifungal & Anti-bacterial
14. Gastro intestinal disorders
15. Skin disorders
Flea Tree (దిరిసెన)
Scientific name-Albizia lebbeck
Parts used- entire plant
Benefits & Medical uses-
1. Good for skin
2. Improves complexion
3. Relieves Itching
4. Detoxifies
5. Asthma
6. Wounds & Eczema
7. Obesity
8. Anemia
9. Spondylosis
10. Urine disorders
11. Sinus
Sweet basil (సబ్జా)
Scientific name-Ocimum basilicum
Parts used- entire plant
Benefits & Medical uses-
1. Control blood sugar levels
2. Constipation
3. Cold & cough
4. Appetite
5. Intestinal gas
6. Stomach spasms
7. Kidney disorders
8. Blood circulations
9. Worms
10. Warts
11. Snake & insect bites
12. Helps weight loss
13. Reduce body heat
Water lily (కలువ)
Scientific name-Nimphaeceae
Parts used- flower, seeds, leaves, stem
Benefits & Medical uses-
1. Anxiety
2. Bad breath
3. Bleeding
4. Diarrhea
5. Digestion problems
6. Fever
7. Liver health
8. Skin diseases 9. Sore throat
10. Cough
Harsingar/Night jasmine(పారిజాతం)
Scientific name- Nyctanthus arbor tristis
Parts used- flower, seeds, leaves, root
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Provides relief from chikungunya & Dengue
2. Cures malaria and other fevers
3. Prevents radical damage to the body
4. Anti allergic
5. Anti viral
6. Anti bacterial
7. Cough
8. Arthritis
9. Combats breathing problems
10. Prevents gastric problem
Touch me not (అత్తిపత్తి)
Scientific name- Mimosa pudica
Parts used- Whole plant
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Antibacterial
2. Anti venom
3. Anti fertility
4. Anti-convulsant
5. Anti-depressant
6. Urogenital disorders
7. Piles
8. Dysentery
9. Sinus
10. wounds
Bael (or) wood apple (మారేడు)
Scientific name- Aegle marmelos
Parts used- fruit, leaves
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Anti bacterial
2. Carminative and anti inflammatory
3. Diarrhea
4. Dysentery
5. Digestion
6. Prevent constipation
7. Diabetes
8. Scurvy
9. Ear aches
10. Skin problems
Dwarf copper leaf (పొనగంటిఆకు)
Scientific name- Alternanthera sessilis
Parts used- Dried whole plant
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Treat hepatitis
2. Bronchitis
3. Asthma
4. Lung problems
5. Stop bleeding
6. Hair tonic
7. Stomach disorders
8. Diarrhea
9. Dysentery
10. Wounds
Guava (జామ)
Scientific name- Psidium guava
Parts used- fruit, leaves
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Lower blood sugar levels
2. Boost heart health
3. Menstrual pain
4. Digestive problems
5. Weight loss
6. Anti cancer
7. Boost immunity
8. Good for skin
Banana (అరటి)
Scientific name- Musa paradisica
Parts used- flower, seeds, leaves, stem
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Constipation
2. Diarrhea & dysentery
3. Heal intestinal ulcers
4. Nutrition
5. Dissolving the stones in kidney & urinary bladder
6. Reducing the weight
7. Reduce worms problems in the kids
8. Diabetes
9. Hypertension
10. Cancer
11. Alzheimer
Rose (గులాబీ)
Scientific name- Rosa centifolia
Parts used- flower petals, leaves, stem, root
Benefits and medical uses-
1. Anti inflammatory
2. Cardiac tonic
3. Refrigerant
4. Analgesic
5. Anti anxiety
6. Anti spasmodic
7. Sciatica
8. Cut & wounds to stop bleeding
Eucalyptus (తైలం చెట్టు)
Scientific name- Eucalyptus globulus
Parts used- leaves, bark, stem, root
Benefits and medical uses-
• Leaves – In both fresh and dried form, leaves of eucalyptus are used as air fresheners and in medicinal teas.
• Oil – In this form, eucalyptus is added to cough and cold medicines, dental products, antiseptics and used directly to treat fevers. Oils are also used in industrial mining operations and as aromatherapy.
• Tea. Use tea bags made from ground eucalyptus leaves.
• Aromatherapy. Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to a diffuser or steam bowl.
• Whole leaves. Hang the leaves in your shower or add them to your bath for a relaxing spa-like experience.
• Bug repellent
Red Silk Cotton Tree (బూరుగ చెట్టు)
Scientific name- Salmaliamalabarica
Parts used- Seeds, leaves, fruit, roots, flowers and gum exuded by the stem bark
Benefits and medical uses-
• Applied to wounds and sores.
• The gum is used mainly in the treatment of acute dysentery, hemoptysis of pulmonary tuberculosis, influenza and menorrhagia.
• It acts as an astringent, diuretic, expectorant, tonic, emetic, stimulant, alterative, anti-inflammatory, styptic and demulcent.
• It has also been used in bladder disorders, calculus, catarrh, cystitis, gonorrhea and skin troubles such as sores and wounds.
• The seeds are used in chicken pox, gonorrhea, chronic cystitis and catarrhal affections.
Banyan Tree (మర్రి)
Scientific name- Ficus bengalensis
Parts used- Seeds, buds, leaves, fruit, roots and bark
Benefits and medical uses-
• Pain
• Digestion
• Prevent Inflammation
• Diabetes
• Wounds
• Immunity booster
• Blood impurity
• Burning sensation
• Urine related problems
• Arthritis
• Skin problems
• Fever